IS-BAO Registration, Audit and Certification
Special IS-BAO Stage I Audit pricing from $2995, call today for a quote!
IS-BAO Registation, Audit and Certification IS-BAO Registration, Audit and Certification for your flight department is easy with Wilding Air. We can get you started with the process today!
The IS-BAO is similar to an ISO-9000 standard of practice, but specifically formulated for the business aviation community. Aviation operators, associations and regulators across the globe have recognized for a long time that business aviation would benefit from a universal standard. IS-BAO is widely accepted and respected as an appropriate and effective standard for those operations.
Initiated in 2002 the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) is designed to promote use of high quality operating practices for international business aircraft operations. It provides baseline requirements for structuring flight departments and planning and conducting their operations; it challenges flight departments to review their current systems, programs and procedures, recognize strengths and weaknesses in those procedures, and upgrade to a higher standard. The standard is based on International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards that prepare the operator for both domestic and international operations.
IS-BAO is an industry code of best practices developed by the international business aviation community for the benefit its members. It is the group’s contribution to promoting highly professional operational practices that will build on the excellent safety record already established by business aviation. Conforming to these standards and recommended practices is voluntary and may be self-administered. However, recognition for implementation of and conformance to the standards is available via an auditing process that results in an IBAC certificate of registration.
The program centers on the Safety Management System (SMS) developed by ICAO and other operations-critical industries. It leads the operator from establishment of beginning principles to a sustainable SMS and operations program to a performance-based, risk averse culture for both large and small operations. Audits conducted every two years ensure conformance with the standard and provide valuable feedback to the operator. The registration certificate issued upon successful completion of an audit serves as proof of compliance with several key ICAO standards, which are required for operations in number of countries.
Audits concentrate on SMS development through a gradual process of advancing maturity:
- Stage One confirms that the SMS infrastructure is established and that safety management activities are appropriately targeted. All supporting standards have been established.
- Stage Two ensures that safety management activities are appropriately targeted and that safety risks are being effectively managed.
- Stage Three verifies that safety management activities are fully integrated into the operator’s business and that a positive safety culture is being sustained.
More than 650 business aviation operators in 45 countries are currently IS-BAO registered, which continue to improve their safety risk profile and operating effectiveness and efficiency.
IS-BAO Certification Stages
Stage I – Initial Audit
For initial applicants for IS-BAO registration. Confirms that the SMS infrastructure is established and that safety management activities are appropriately targeted. All supporting standards have been established.
Stage II – Renewal – Performance
Ensures that safety management activities are appropriately targeted and that safety risks are being effectively managed.
Stage III – Full Integration Audit
Verifies that safety management activities are fully integrated into the operator’s business and that a positive safety culture is being maintained.
IS-BAO Benefits
- Save money. Nearly one-third of IS-BAO registered operators report insurance premium savings as a result of registration.
- Improve safety. Adoption of IS-BAO standards would have prevented 25% of business aviation accidents occurring over the last five-years.
- Enhance security. The IS-BAO process is the best method for analyzing threats and developing a security program tailored to your operation.
- Easy to understand Metrics. The IS-BAO analytical tools can be easily communicated to non-aviation managers, improving the standing of the flight operation within the corporate organization.
- Greater passenger and corporate confidence and satisfaction. The IS-BAO analysis and procedures provide more consistent level of service for passengers, spotlighting the discipline and professionalism of your flight operation.