CPDLC Manual Preparation
Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC), is a method by which air traffic controllers can communicate with pilots over a datalink system. CPDLC provides air-ground data communication for ATC services. This includes a set of clearance/information/request message elements which correspond to voice phraseology employed by air traffic control procedures. The controller is provided with the capability to issue level assignments, crossing constraints, lateral deviations, route changes and clearances, speed assignments, radio frequency assignments, and various requests for information. The pilot is provided with the capability to respond to messages, to request clearances and information, to report information, and to declare/rescind an emergency. The pilot is, in addition, provided with the capability to request conditional clearances (downstream) and information from a downstream air traffic service unit (ATSU).
Wilding Air can prepare a custom CPDLC program manual and supporting documentation (request letter & A056 Compliance Guide / job aid) for you typically within one to three business days after receiving a complete application form and supporting documentation if / as required. As the Operator of the aircraft you are required to read, understand, sign and submit the CPDLC program manual and supporting documentation to the FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) or International Field Office (IFO) with geographical jurisdiction based on the Operator’s primary business address.
Wilding Air will continue to work with you throughout the process for no additional charge and complete any documentation changes if required by your FSDO or IFO. If outside the United States, then your CPDLC program manual and supporting documentation must be submitted to the appropriate FAA International Field Office (IFO). Contact us to obtain your A056 Letter of Authorization or Operation Specifications.
Mandates; As of January 30th, 2020, CPDLC is mandated within the entire ICAO North Atlantic (NAT) Region between FL290-410 with a few exemptions:
-Blue Spruce Routes
-Airspace north of 80°North
-New York Oceanic East FIR
-Routes T9 & T290
-Areas that currently have radar and/or ADS-B coverage (ATS Surveillance airspace)
For additional information, you can visit the FAA Flight Operations Group Data Communications page (DataComm).
CPDLC Manual Preparation Service $1095.00
CPDLC Application Form
Word Doc Application – click here to download
PDF Application – click here to download